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『高木文庫』IPR関係資料目録 -- no. 7 詳細

1)Tentative findings of the Survey of Race Relations, Prepared and Presented at the Finding Conference at Stanford Univ March 21-26, 1925,24pp
2)(ペン書きメモ)「三宅正太郎(司法省)提出 決議文草案」 日付ナシ1p
3)(新聞切抜) "Survey of Race Relations" The Japan Advertiser May28,29,19252pp
4) (新聞切抜) "Curing by Conferences,"The Japan Advertiser May28,1925,1p
5) 「移民問題二関スル第一部会ヨリ提出ノ要項」(1925,5,30)1p
6) Dr,Robert E,Park, "The Race Relations Survey on the Pacific Coast," July 4,1925 (Institute Addresses and Papers) 6pp
7)(新聞切抜)"Japanese Viewed as Most Efficient Immigrants in U.S," The Japan Advertiser (と推定)nov.7,1925,2pp
9)オレゴン州日本人会「米州外国人土地法ト其影響」(ペン書き)昭2、5月 3pp(表紙込)
10)在桑港帝国総領事館(報告)「新移民法施行ノ結果・・・・」日付ナシ  16pp
11) The National Communities on American Japanese Relations, "America and Japan" 4pp
12)(ペン書きメモ)「1924,US Immigra' Law ,内容」  7pp(小)
13)(ペン書きメモ)  "Japanese Passengers,1927、"1p
14) U,G,Murphy, The American Born of Japanese Parentage, 14pp
15) Burean of Commercial Affairs in The Dent of Foreign Affaire "Japanese Passengers Sailing for and Returning from the U,S,A and Canada," 1924,1925,1926 大 3pp
16) "Question,8-(a)," etc, 5pp
17) "Main points in which Japan is interested (Prepared for group Two" 1p
18) "Be Patient, Neighbor Japan," 1p
19)(新聞切抜)"Californian Fights Against Quota Plan," The Japan Advertiser ? June, 5, 1928, 1p
20)(新聞切抜)「不快なる記念日:米国排日法の修正について」『東京朝日新聞』昭3,7,6, 1p
21)(新聞切抜) "The Problem of Population," The Japan Advertisers? July 21? 1928, 1p
22) "Chicago Tribune Urges Qeiots for Japanese, " 紙名? Dec,2 1927, 1p