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『高木文庫』IPR関係資料目録 -- no. 34 詳細

34 朝鮮人グループ参加資格問題       No.〔1~48〕
1) Sail to Inparel Honolulu (telegram), Aug, 14, 1929, 1p.
2) F. A. Mackenzie to Syngman Rhee, Nov.12, 1922, 7pp.
3) "Tells of Korean 'Slavery'" Nov.30, (Newspaper), 1p.
4) 吉野作造「朝鮮問題に関し當局に望む」(『中央公論』1921年2月号 pp.79-82
5) 斉藤惣一より高木八尺あて 昭5, 2月22日, 1p.
   付 ・Merle J. Davis to Soichi Saito, Aug. 16, 1928, 1p.
・"Memorandum of an Interview until Hugh Cynn," July 9, 1928
・"Memorandum of Interviews with Mr. S. Saito and Dr. Takaki
relating to the Question of Separate Korean Participation in the
Conferences of the Institute," July 9 and 10, 1928
・(Davis) to Mr. Cynn, Aug. 17, 1928, 1p.
・Merle J. Davis to Mr. Cynn, July 9, 1928, 1p.
6) Soichi Saito to Takagi, Dec.11, 1929, 1p.
7) 斉藤惣一より高木八尺あて 昭3. 7. 11, 1p.
8) Soichi Saito to Cynn, May 8, 1929, 1p.
9) General Secretary(Davis) to Mr. Hugh Cynn, Aug. 20, 1929, 1p.
  付 ・?(Davis?) to Mr. Cynn, Sept. 14, 1929, 1p.
・General Sec(Davis) to Mr. Hugh Cynn, Aug. 20, 1929, 1p.
・T. H. Yun etc. to the members of the Pacific Council, Oct.19, 1929,
10)Yui & Davis to Yun (Korea), (Telegram), Oct. 25, 1929, 1p.
11)Yun to Yui & Davis, (Telegram), Oct.28, 1929, 1p.
12)J. Merle Davis to Baron T. H. Yun, Oct,25, 1929, 1p.
 付 ・"Extract from the Minutes of the Meeting of the Pacific Council of
the IPR held Oct.25, 1929, V. Korean Group," 1p.
・"Outline of the Korean Relationship to the Japanese Council and
the Control Secretariat of the I.P.R.," Dec.6, 1929, pp.1-4
13)The extract of Mr. Davis' letter dated Jan.29 (to Mr. Saito), 1p.
14)Inozo Nitobe to Jerome D. Greene, March 14, 1931, 2pp.
15)Davis to Takaki, Oct.3, 1929 1p.
付 "General Sec. IPR(Davis) to Hugh Cynn, Sept.17, 1929, 1p.
       ・T. H. Yun to Davis, Sept. 24, 1929, 1p.
・T. H. Yun to Davis, Sept. 26, 1929, 1p.
・T. H. Yun etc. to Davis, Sept. 26, 1929, 1p.
・高木あて封筒 1
16)S. Niwa, "Korean Conditions Improving and more and More Self-Gov't
Given, Says Japanese from Seoul," Bulletin (Star Bulletin? (Hawaii?)),
日付? 1p. (新聞切抜)
17)Koreans Unite to Help Land, Editor Declares : Chin Woo Song of Seoul
Address Countrymen at Community Reception," 1p(新聞切抜)紙名?
18)"Philippines are not Ready for Independence, Says, Manila Judge and
Author, Williams, July 11, 1925 Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 1p. (半分より切
新聞) 1928(?) 7.2.(?) 1p. (新聞切抜)
20)鉛筆書きメモ Jaisohn(?)to Takaki, no date, 1p.