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『高木文庫』IPR関係資料目録 -- no. 25 詳細

25 Shotwell論文及び不戦条約関係資料(1)
(1)Shotwell 著のパンフレット
 1) James T Shotwell, The Strategy of Peace in the Pacific (reprinted from The Century Magazine Jan 1928) 1927 10pp×2部
 2) ____,Alternative for War 1928 (reprinted from Foreign Affairs : Apr 1928)9pp×2部
 3) ____,Disarmament Alone No Guarantee Of World Peaces (reprinted from Coorent History Magazine , Sep 1929) 14pp  1部
 4) ____,San Yat-Sen and Mawrice William, (reprinted from Political Science Quarterly March 1932) 26pp 1部
 1) Shotwell "Does Business Mean Peace?" (Outlook and Independent , March 13 1929) pp405-407 & 436-38 1部
 2) ____, "A British Monroe Doctorinve ?" (New York Herald Tribune, June12, 1928) 1p
 3) ____, "Industry Outlaws War," (New York Herald Tribune, Sunday , Nov 11 1928) pp8-9
 4) ____, "British Realism," (New York Herald Tribune, June 11 1928) 1p
 5) ____, "Egypt and the Monroe Doctrine," (New York Herald Tribune, June 15 1928) 1p
 6) ____, "The Freedom of Seas," (New York Herald Tribune Sunday, May13 1928) pp16-18,p31
 7) Shotwell, "Now the Anti-War Compact Binls us," (The New York Times, July29 1928) 1p
 8) ____, "Administration that Turned Down League of Nations Covenant Now Admits World Participation in kellogg Treaty Says Shotwell ," (The World , July8,1928) 2p
 9) ____, "Japan's Hope for Peace," (New York Herald Tribune Sunday, July, 15 1928) pp4-5 p19
 10) ____,"War as an Instrument of Policy," (New York Herald Tribune, March 1 1928) 1p
 11) ____, "Defense and Aggression" (New York Herald Tribune, March6, 1928) 1p
 12) Nicholas Murray Butler "Briand Proposes Eternal Peace with us" (The New York Times Apr 25,1927) 1p
 13) Pertinax "Loose Diplomacy Blanned on Briand," (Japan Advertiser, March2, 1928) 1p
 14) Evans Clark "American's Mounting Wealth," (The Japan Advertise , Apr 23,1928) 2pp
 15) Frederic William Wille, "Historian of U.S.Lauds Japan for Peace Pact Stand," (The Japan Advertiser, July 17, 1928) 1p
 16) ____, "Japan Accepts Kellogg Plan in Full, with 14 Other States・・・," (The Japan Advertiser, July 21,1928 )1p
 17) "U,S Doctrine Hit By Japan Leader," (The Japan Advertiserか?, Aug 23 1927) 1p
 18) "Polish Suggestion for Limiting Arms has Teeth Pulled" (The Japan Advertiser? , Sept 10 1927) 2pp
 19) Dr. Takayanagi , "Professor Shotwell's Peace Treaty: Exporition and Criticism" (The Japan Chronicle, Nov.30 1927) 2pp
 20) 青木節一「国際連盟と安全保障問題」(『帝国大学新聞』昭2,9月26日)1p
 21) 高木八尺「太平洋会議餘談」(『帝国大学新聞』昭2,10月10日)1p
 22) 「米国の武器輸出禁止案」(『東京朝日新聞』昭2,11月25日)1p
 23) 神川彦松「米国提案不戦条約」(『帝国大学新聞』昭3,1月23日)1p
 24) 「不戦条約の論議」(『東京朝日新聞』昭3,3月3日)1p
 25) 信天淳平「軍縮問題と日米の将来に関する考察(総括的仲裁々判條約締結を提唱す)」(『国際知識』1927年6月号)pp15−20
 26) 『戦争ニ関スル条約』(條約集 第32号、昭7,4,14発行、国際連盟協会発行)22pp プラス後半その英訳、1冊
 27)  "General Pact For the Renunciation of War: Hearings before the Committee on Foreign Relation United States Senate ・・・ ," Dec 7 & 11, 1928,PartT pp46プラス14  2冊