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高木八尺文庫キャビネット内史料リスト -- no. 567 詳細

567. U.S.-Japan Relations Project(0003-0367)
1)“The research project on the Japan-U.S. relations: Plan of the research,” 4/13/61, 6pp. (0004-0009)
2)“Chapter 3. Since the San Francisco Peace Treaty,” 34pp. (0010-0043)
3)“The research project on the Japan-U.S. relations: Plan of the research,” 4/13/61, 6pp. (1と異なる手書きメモあり) (0044-0049)
4)“2. Aftermath of occupation policy,” [Feb. 1, 1963], 12pp. (0050-0061)
5)“3. Demilitarization, Punishment and Democratization,” 18pp. (0062-0080)
6)“Chapter 1. First phase of occupation: 1945 ? 1947,” 15pp. (0081-0095)
7)“A provisional work plan research on Japanese politics by University of Tokyo,” 1p. (0096)
8)“Memorandum on part 2: American policy toward postwar Japan in the context of world affairs,” Nov. 2, 1960, 2pp. (0097-0098)
9)“American post-war policy toward Japan in the context of world affairs, chapter 1 complete,” Tadashi Aruga, Mar. 17, 1961, 13pp. (0099-0111)
10)“A preliminary draft: American policy toward Japan in the post-war world,” by Tadashi Aruga, 16pp. (0112-0127)
11) 内山正熊より高木八尺宛, 6月9日, 2pp. (0128-0129)
12)“A newly revised preliminary draft: American post-war policy toward Japan in the context of world affairs,” Tadashi Aruga, 108pp. (0130-0237)
13)(封筒) Christianity and Crisis to Yasaka Takagi, 1枚 (0238)
14) (新聞切抜) 「日本の協力は重要 米外交問題ロックフェラー報告」 『毎日新聞』夕刊, 1959.12.8, 1p. (0239)
15)“America’s self-image and sense of national identity,” [Homma, Nov. 4, ’60], 27pp. (0240-0267)
16)“2. Traditional and basic assumption of American foreign policy,” N. Homma, 35pp. (0268-0302)
17) “3. American popular sentiments toward Japan and the Japanese people before and during the war,” N. Homma, 16pp. (0303-0318)
18)“Chap. 4. Japan and America in the postwar situation,” N. Homma, June 9, 1961, 45pp. (0319-0332, 0337-0367)
19)(雑誌切抜) 「ハンス・J・モーゲンソー著 アメリカ政治の目的 The purpose of American politics」 本間長世, [『學鐙』58(7), 1961年7月], pp. 61-63 (0333-0335)
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