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高木八尺文庫キャビネット内史料リスト -- no. 120 詳細

120. 日米関係(0255-0399)
1)Welcome address by Baron Shibusawa, Apr. 25, 1920, 8pp. (ヴァンダーリップ氏一行歓迎晩餐会 米賓歓迎会長渋沢男爵挨拶, 大正9年4月25日於華族会館)(0256-0262)
2)(手書き原稿) 「日米関係」14pp.(0263-0276)
3)(Booklet) Mr. Vanderlip’s Message, an address by Frank A. Vanderlip, June 2, 1920, 15pp.(0277-0285)
4)Address of mayor of Tokyo, 1p.(0286)
5)(新聞切抜) “From Baron Shidehara, the relations between America and Japan,” Japan Advertiser, 1p.(0287-0288)
6)(新聞切抜) “From Baron Shidehara, an Asian Entente would work against world peace,” [Japan Advertiser, Aug. 5, 1925], 1p.(0289)
7)(新聞切抜) “Asks British to teach history of America; professor Morison of Oxford says courses are needed to offset effect of films,” [Japan Advertiser, Aug. 5, 1925], 1p.(0290)
8)(Booklet) “Tunnels under the Pacific,” H. Kano, c1919, 36pp. (途中新聞記事切抜(Boston Daily Advertiser, p.4)あり)(0293-0314)
9)(Booklet) “Japan and disarmament,” extracts from an address by P. B. Waterhouse, 6pp.(0315-0319)
10)(Booklet) “Our foreign policy,” by Hon. Daniel F. Cohalan, L.L.D., The Forum, 1921, 43pp.(0320-0344)
11)(Booklet) “Friendship between the United States and Japan,” by Charles W. Eliot, L.L.D., Japanese Merchants Association, [1920], 15pp.(0345-0353)
12)写真1枚, 「東京帝国大学構内 写真部 K.KASHI」のプレスあり(0354)
13)(Booklet) “Our relations with Japan,” by Henry W. Taft, Japan Society, 1920, 27pp.(0355-0399)