

講演者:Lucas Thompson (Sydney University, AU)

題目:"Method Reading: Inhabiting George Saunders's Lincoln in the Bardo."

日時:2018年9月26日(水) 18時40分〜20時10分

場所:東京大学駒場キャンパス18号館4階 コラボレーションルーム1

Abstract: My paper uses George Saunders's Booker Prize-winning 2017 novel Lincoln in the Bardo (along with several other US novels, including Marilynne Robinson's Home and Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon) to argue for method acting as a particularly generative metaphor for reading. This metaphor takes literary texts as invitations to engage in a particular kind of activity, wherein the reader does not merely identify with, develop sympathies for, or even see themselves in a fictional character, but actually performs as someone else. In this way, the paper intervenes in numerous recent debates around the "crisis of reading," including surface reading, postcritique, affect studies, as well as Ordinary Language Philosophy-style approaches to criticism. Via a careful examination of Saunders's novel, and its ghostly model of inhabiting other bodies, the paper fleshes out its suggestion that reading offers us unique opportunities to imagine as another, to take on their perceptions, ideas, stances, and way of being in the world. It ends with some reflections on the metaphor's possibilities for developing a new account of literary ethics, using Stanley Cavell's reading of Emerson to propose that fiction gives us a space in which to access a "next self.”


