ID: aaf0130e Author: U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Mickey Kantor, Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky Title: Achievements of APEC Manila Meeting Source: U.S. Department of State, Office of Spokesman DocType: Press Briefing Date: 1996/11/23 DBName: American Foreign Policy and Treaty Index ACCN: Pages: 11 pp. Note: U.S., the United States, APEC, APEC ministerial meeting, president, Clinton, Asia-Pacific, Asia, Pacific Community, Seattle, Bogor, Osaka, Action Agenda, Manila, Action Plan, human resources, capital market, infrastructure, technology, environment, small-and medium-sized enterprises, liberalization, WTO, China, information technology, internet, economic security, trade barriers, market access Subj1: Subj2: